Camaro Central
Welcome to the Camaro Central web site! Here you'll find thousands of products from only the best manufacturers representing the highest quality in restoration and restyling components available. Camaro Central is the source for all your classic Camaro needs.
Our goal at Camaro Central is to give our customers the best buying experience possible. We strive to give all customers the best support with sales and service. We want your restoration process to be a fun and positive venture. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help with all your Camaro questions and needs. Do not hesitate to call us toll free at 1-859-408-2000 for any assistance. We appreciate your business, and hope our site will help you find the part you need at the lowest possible price. If you are looking for a Camaro related item that is not on our site or in our catalogue, call us today and we will do what we can to assist. We hope to be your complete parts source, and we look forward to working with you. Sincerely, YOUR FRIENDS AT CAMARO CENTRAL Contact Us If you've never experienced the Camaro Central difference in service, sales, and support, please let us show you how our commitment to customer satisfaction can make your restoration process positive, productive, and pleasurable. Feel free to contact us at:
Camaro Central
3329 Colonel Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST
Saturday 9am-2pm EST
Local and outside the USA: 1-859-408-2000
Fax: 1-859-408-2007
After normal business hours please email us at :
[email protected]